
We care a lot about upcycling. We have launched this concept recently and are testing it as we speak. We are dedicated to keeping clothing out of the landfill and this process is a great solution to this problem.
When you’re finished with your Untraced clothing, we offer you the option to send us your products back for upcycling. In exchange, you will receive a discount on your next order, and we will receive a new challenge of turning your old products into something new.
Upcycling means we will be cutting up your used or damaged clothing to create new products. Pouches, golf club covers, tote bags, you would be amazed to see what your old jacket can become.
We are more than happy to make this effort to lead the fashion industry into a circular economy. There is no one more well-equipped to upcycle an article of clothing than its maker, so here we are, ready to take care of our products forever, even if this means implementing a completely new process.
Shop now or learn more about our ideas for improvement in the future.